Exploring the Renovated Dendrological Park in Buzias

octagon star on covered colonnades.
Home » Romania » Exploring the Renovated Dendrological Park in Buzias

Published on September 29, 2024 by Zoltan Nyaradi

On my way back from the Romanesti cave, I decided to take a short detour to visit the Dendrological Park in the small town of Buzias. The park was recently rehabilitated, and I was curious to see how it had changed since our last visit in the winter of 2021. You can check out how the park looked during rehabilitation here.

I was pleasantly surprised to see how nice the park looks now, although the ruins of the old Bath 2 and other smaller buildings which are still falling apart, were an exception.

The Fenix fountain

Since there are usually plenty of parking spaces near the hotels by the Fenix fountain, we parked our car there and continued on foot to explore the Dendrological Park after it was rehabilitated. By the way, you can actually drink mineral water from the Fenix fountain. It’s known for its natural mineral springs, so many people stop by to fill their bottles or have a refreshing drink straight from the source.

The Fenix fountain.

Let’s explore the park

When I entered the park, I followed a small path that led me near a fountain called Mos Bizies. This fountain sits right in front of the ruins of Baia 2. It was interesting to see how close the modern restoration work came to these older parts of the park, yet it seemed like some of the historical buildings, like Baia 2, were left out of the restoration efforts. Walking past the ruins gave me a sense of the park’s long history, but I couldn’t help but feel that these old structures deserved more attention to match the newer, refreshed parts of the park.

Mos Bizies fountain.
The ruins of Baia 2 or Bath number 2.
Main alley the park.
On the main alley with the ruins of Baia 2 baths in the background.
The colonnades and the main alley in the Dendrological park in Buzias.

The wooden covered colonnades

The covered colonnades were renovated too, and they look much better now. In fact, they’ve become one of the main attractions of the Dendrological Park. With their fresh new look, they stand out even more and add a unique charm to the area. Walking under the colonnades feels like stepping into a piece of history, and they provide a nice shaded path for visitors to enjoy while exploring the park. It’s clear that the renovations really helped bring out their beauty, making them a highlight of the park.

The covered colonnades in Buzias.
Narrower covered colonnades.
Former fountain under the covered colonnades.
Former fountain.
The wooden colonnades in the Dendrological Park.
The covered colonnades after renovation.

The fountains in the park

If you start at the ruins of Baia 2 and follow the main alley, the path will lead you straight to the area with the fountains, close to the colonnades. It’s an easy and pleasant walk, surrounded by the greenery of the park. As you approach, you can hear the sound of the water, and the fountains create a peaceful atmosphere. This part of the park is especially beautiful, with the newly renovated colonnades adding to the charm.

The fountains.
The fountains with an old building in the background.
Old building in Buzias.
Very old plane tree with the Bazar Villa in the background.
Benches in the park.

The swimming pool

Near the edge of the park, you will the ruins of the former swimming pool. Unfortunately, this place was abandoned many years ago and it is in a bad condition. Hopefully one day this will be renovated as well.

The old swimming pool in the park.

At the airport

The airport was quite busy when we visited the park. A lot of people were there, either enjoying a meal or chatting over a cup of coffee or a cold beer at the restaurant located beneath the airplanes. The area had a lively atmosphere, with families, couples, and friends relaxing and making the most of the day.

At the airport in Buzias.

After we finished exploring the park, it was time to head back to Timisoara. Overall, the park has changed quite a bit, and for the better. The renovations have really improved the atmosphere, making it a more enjoyable place to visit. From the restored colonnades to the refreshed walking paths and fountains, everything feels updated and well-maintained. It’s clear that a lot of care went into making the park a more inviting and peaceful space.


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