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  • Steam Locomotive Museum In Sibiu

    Steam locomotive in Sibiu

    The Steam locomotive museum in Sibiu is located near the main train station. Over there you will find a smaller collection of old steam locomotives which once were used by the CFR. Besides the locomotives, you will have the chance to admire an old steam rotary steam plow and a steam crane as well. Unfortunately you…

  • The Red Lake

    Red Lake

    The Red Lake lies approximately 26 kilometers from the quaint Romanian town of Ghiorgheni. As you embark on your journey to this picturesque destination, be prepared for a drive along winding roads that promise to captivate with their scenic charm. Rest assured, the adventure ahead guarantees breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains that are sure…

  • Mocănița Sovata

    steam locomotive coupling

    Mocănița Sovata is a narrow gauge steam locomotive hauling 3-4 passenger cars. This steam train runs between the city of Sovata and Câmpu Cetății which is a Transylvanian village located 14 km away. The starting point of each journey is from Gara Mică in Sovata. The entire journey to Câmpu Cetății and back usually takes…

  • The village of Daia in Mureș county.

    Horse with cart in the village of Daia

    The village of Daia is located in Mureș county, Romania. This village actually belongs to the commune of Apold which is about 8 km away. You’ll have to drive on a dirt road in order to reach this small Transylvanian village. The Evangelical fortified church in Daia In Daia you will find the old Evangelical…

  • Road trip next to the Danube river in Clisura Dunării

    Road in the Iron Gates next to the Danube

    The Clisura Dunării or the Danube gorge in English, is located in the southwestern part of Romania, in the Banat region. The starting point of this road trip along the Danube river is the port city of Orșova. Our final point will be at Moldova Nouă, where won’t follow the Danube anymore, instead we drive…

  • Sarmizegetusa Regia, the Dacian capital center

    the great sanctuary in sarmizegetusa regia.

    Sarmizegetusa Regia was the capital center of the Dacians during the Roman Empire and it can be found in the Orastie Mountains at an altitude of approximately 1200 meters. From the small Transylvanian city of Orastie, you will have to drive about one hour until you reach the small parking lot located in a small…

  • The Transylvanian commune of Apold


    The Transylvanian commune of Apold is located in Mureș county, Romania. By car, you can actually reach it in almost 20 minutes of driving from the city of Sighișoara. The first thing that you should visit is the Fortified Saxon church. You will find this church almost in the center of the commune right next…

  • Visiting Sighișoara in the winter

    Street in Sighisoara medieval citadel in winter

    After visiting some old fortified churches in the area, like the one form the Transylvanian village of Mălâncrav, on our way back, I’ve decided to capture some photos of the Sighișoara medieval citadel as well. The Clock Tower The starting point of this photo shoot was at the Clock Tower because this buildings is one…

  • The village of Mălâncrav

    The Apafi manor in Malancrav, Romania

    The Transylvanian village of Mălâncrav is located about 25 km away from the city of Sighișoara. You can find two important highlights in this village which are very close to each other. Those two highlights are the Apafi manor and the fortified Evangelical church. The Apafi manor The first important landmark to visit is the…

  • Văliug In Winter

    Lake Gozna in Valiug during a cold winter day

    Văliug is a small village located in the southwestern region of Romania, near the city of Resita. This charming village is nestled amidst the picturesque Banat Mountains and it offers a perfect escape from busy city life. During the winter months, Văliug transforms into a winter wonderland, offering visitors a unique and magical experience.  Văliug…

  • Lake Miniş and the Bigăr waterfall in Cheile Nerei – Beușnița National Park

    cheile nerei national park

    Lake Miniş The lake Miniş can be found in the Cheile Nerei – Beușnița National Park, about 5 km away from a very popular attraction, the Bigăr waterfall. If you are driving from Oravița or Anina towards the Bozovici, then at some point you will find it next to the main road. The Bigăr waterfall…

  • Boat Tour Around The Port Of Mangalia

    Sunset over the port of Mangalia

    Mangalia is a charming seaside town located on the southern coast of Romania, right by the Black Sea. This small town is popular in the summer because it offers a mix of beautiful beaches where you can relax, swim, or just enjoy the sun. The waters of the Black Sea are usually calm and warm…

Discover Transylvania

  • Beautiful lake in the heart of Transylvania: Lake Zetea

    Beautiful lake in the heart of Transylvania: Lake Zetea

    The beautiful lake Zetea is located in the heart of Transylvania, Romania. It’s approximately 23 km away from the city of Odorheiu Secuiesc. This large lake is an artificial lake because it was built to prevent flooding in the surrounding areas. Today, if you plan to visit the place, you will notice a small hydroelectric…

  • The Mighty Fagaras Mountains

    The Mighty Fagaras Mountains

    The Fagaras Mountains are a part of the Southern Carpathians range and are located almost in the center of Romania. The Fagaras Mountains are a range of mountains in Romania that span over 70 kilometers in length and rise to a height of 2,544 meters at their highest point. The highest peak is called Moldoveanu.…

  • The Brukenthal Summer Palace In Avrig

    The Brukenthal Summer Palace In Avrig

    After visiting the Clay Castle located in the village of Porumbacu de Sus, my next stop in the Fagaras region before heading back to Sighisoara was in Avrig.   Avrig is a small town located in the southern part of Transylvania, about 30 km away from the city of Sibiu and since I mentioned the Clay…

  • Former Cistercian Monastery In The Village of Carta

    Former Cistercian Monastery In The Village of Carta

    The Carta Monastery or Carta Abbey is another important tourist attraction in Transylvania. Located in the picturesque village of Carta which is about 43 km away from Sibiu and about 73 km away from the medieval citadel of Sighisoara. Today among the old ruins, you will find an interesting Evangelical Lutheran church that belongs to…

  • The Corvin Castle in Hunedoara

    The Corvin Castle in Hunedoara

    I visited Corvin Castle on my way back from the Bison Reservation which is located in a forest very close to the small city of Hațeg. From Hațeg to Hunedoara by car you will make approximately 40 minutes. After you arrive next to the castle, you will find a paid parking lot where you can…

  • The old fortified church in Saschiz

    The old fortified church in Saschiz

    The historic and charming commune of Saschiz is located in the heart of the historical region of Transylvania, Romania. This place is surrounded by rolling hills and picturesque landscapes. Whether you are interested in history, architecture, or simply want to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, Saschiz is a perfect destination for anyone…

  • The Old Volcano And The Emerald Lake In Racos

    The Old Volcano And The Emerald Lake In Racos

    About 20 km away from the small city of Rupea you will find the village of Racos which is popular destination because of its captivating natural marvels waiting to be explored. Here, located within close proximity, you’ll encounter an ancient volcanic crater, an enchanting emerald lake, and striking basaltic columns. With their proximity, you can…

  • The Transylvanian city of Sibiu

    The Transylvanian city of Sibiu

    On our way to the medieval city of Sighisoara, we have decided to visit the Transylvanian city of Sibiu since the historical center is not that far from the A1 highway . The photos below were taken a couple of days after Christmas. Almost all the important landmarks can be found within the historic center.…

  • The village of Mălâncrav

    The village of Mălâncrav

    The Transylvanian village of Mălâncrav is located about 25 km away from the city of Sighișoara. You can find two important highlights in this village which are very close to each other. Those two highlights are the Apafi manor and the fortified Evangelical church. The Apafi manor The first important landmark to visit is the…

  • Visiting Sighișoara in the winter

    Visiting Sighișoara in the winter

    After visiting some old fortified churches in the area, like the one form the Transylvanian village of Mălâncrav, on our way back, I’ve decided to capture some photos of the Sighișoara medieval citadel as well. The Clock Tower The starting point of this photo shoot was at the Clock Tower because this buildings is one…

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